This week, I speak with Matt Loftus, administrator of The Credible Hulk site and facebook page and Dr. Kat Day, Administrator of The Chronicle Flask blog and facebook page about communicating science on social media.
No Twitch stream this week, sorry folks!
Episode 012
Communicating Science on Social Media
Recorded: March 11th, 2018
Released: March 12th, 2018
Host: Chris Birkinbine
Guest: Matt Loftus and Dr. Kat Day
Links from the show
The Chronicle Flask
Blog / Facebook / Twitter
Kat’s Recommendations:
- Book: The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt
- The Merseyside Skeptics Society: Be Reasonable Podcast
- You Are Not so Smart Podcast
The Credible Hulk
Blog / Facebook
Matt’s Recommendations:
- Tom Kennedy’s Science
- The Logic of Science
Chat us on Discord! https://discord.gg/QG6AmMP
Chris on Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/physicistchris
Questions, comments and suggestions, email:
Music Credit: State of the Art, by Brad Sucks www.bradsucks.net